
Poultry require Vitamins since common Feed ingredients used in poultry production do not provide adequate quantities to meet minimum requirements. Vitamins are essential nutrients involved in over 30 metabolic reactions in cellular metabolism. Vitamins represent only about 2% of complete feed cost, however vitamins are involved in 100% of metabolic function, Vitamins are considered critical to both growth and health. Vitamins are present in most feedstuffs in minute amounts, essential for normal metabolism, Absence of these adequate quantities may cause a specific disease.

Vitamins have two types:

  • Fat soluble
  • Water soluble

Vitamins have two types:

  • Fat soluble
  • Water soluble


Fat Soluble Vitamins

VitaminsRole of VitaminsDeficiency Symptoms
Vit AMaintain integrity of the epithelial linings. Increases spermatogenesis in cocks and improve fertility & hatchability of eggs.Night blindness ataxia, weakness, and low hatchability.
Vit DFunctions in calcium HomeostasisRickets, thin shell eggs, reduced growth, weakness and ataxia
Vit EAct as a biological antioxidant. Important role in metabolism of nucleic acid and sulphur amino acid.Encephalomalacia, Exudative diathesis, muscular dystrophy, reduced fertility/ Hatchability.
Vit KEssential for clotting mechanism of blood.Excess bleeding, anaemia, egg spots.

Water Soluble Vitamins

VitaminsRole of VitaminsDeficiency Symptoms
Vit B1Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, protects gastrointestinal tract. Optimizes energy utilization.Anorexia, weakness, thriftiness, retraction of head.
Vit B2Affects protein, fat and nucleic acid metabolism. Maintains nerve functions and production of ATP from ADP.Curled toe paralysis, slow growth, low fertility.
NicotinamideIt is a part of Two coenzymes, which are involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.Enlargement of hock joint, anorexia, poor growth and feathering, inflamed mucous membranes.
Pantothenic acidIt is am important coenzyme concerned with reversible acetylation reaction in the metabolism of carbohydrate, proteins and fats.Poor growth, increased mortality, severe dermatitis, poor egg production.
Vit B6Plays central role in protein metabolism. Contributes in mineral, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.Anorexia, poor growth and tremors, convulsions.
V B12Essential for blood formation, promotes growth.Anaemia, reduced growth and performance high mortality and reduced production
Biotin/ Vit HAs a component of various enzymes found in animal and in bacteriaLeg problems, dermatitis, and poor performance
Folic AcidInfluence maturation of erythrocytesMacrocytic anaemia, slipped tendons, poor growth and feathering and poor performance

Dose as per the customer requirement.