
Active Protection for Your Birds

The world of poultry production is changing and needs advanced feed strategies designed for modern manufacturing environments with reduction or removal of Antibiotics.


  1. Maximized nutrient Digestibility.
  2. Microbial modulation
  3. Improved intestinal integrity immune response modulation.
  4. Working on all type of bacteria


  • SalClost has Bacillus subtilis & Bacillus licheniformis,  A spore forming bacterial. This is isolated from a healthy chicken gut. This can survive in acidic pH and thermos stable.
  • SalClost produces antimicrobial substances which have specific killing effect on Clostridium perfringens, E- Coli and Salmonella.
  • SalClost Maximized nutrient Digestibility & Improved intestinal integrity immune response modulation.
  • SalClost helps in replacing antibiotic growth promoters.
  • SalClost is compatible with major AGPs and anticoccidial drugs in poultry.
  • No resistance problem SalClost is recommended for continuous usage.


Key points

  • Strong tolerance to gastric acid and bile salts.
  • Temperature and pressure resistance 75- 90 C.
  • Tolerance to antibiotics.



  • Direct killing action against Clostridium perfiringens & Salmonella and E coli.
  • Improves intestinal health by improving microbial balance, integrity and villi health.
  • Improves weight gain, immunity and better FCR.
  • Prevents Necrotic Enterits & Salmonalla ( Silent profit Killer)



Dose 75gm to 120gm