
What trace mineral’s role in Animal

1.) Are required for a wide variety of metiabolic activities such as energy and production.
2.) Help maintain body acid balance and tissue integrity
3.) Perform Structural, Physiological, catalytic and regulatory functions.
4.) Free from Dioxins , PCBs and heavy metals

MineralRole of Mineral
Zinc• Key to strong immunity
• Maintains skin quality and bone formation
• Improves egg shell quality
Manganese• Improves egg shell quality
• Boosts immunity and reproduction
• Maintains growth , bone function
Involves in blood formation
Copper• Increases iron assimilation
• Promotes proper vascular and skeletal growth
• Enhances collagen synthesis
Iodine• Required for synthesis of thyroid hormones
• Premvents reproductive failure
• Co- factor of many enzymes
Iron• Decrease the CAV issue.
Selenium• Enhances fertility , hatchability
• immunity, meat quality & egg quality
• Reduces stress
• Improves growth efficiency
Chromium• Reduces stress
• Enhances meat quality
• Play a role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

Broiler Layer 500gm per ton

Breeder 1 kg per ton